2005: A New Screen

By 2005, FunFlicks® had taken off, with Todd bringing the projector screen experience to people in Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and New Jersey. FunFlicks® was able to meet the growing demand with a fleet of small trailers that hauled crystal-clear projectors, high-definition speakers, and professional theater systems to the customer’s location. Technology was improving, and FunFlicks® was able to provide services for over half the price that event production and audiovisual rental companies were offering. After discovering the German inflatable theater screen, Todd was motivated to create something much more transportable and affordable. Thus, the highly portable, free-standing FunFlicks® inflatable screen was created by manufacturers overseas. The FunFlicks® inflatable screen was one of the first of its kind, and its introduction only skyrocketed the success of FunFlicks® as word spread across the United States.